Monday 9 May 2016

Overall marks

AS Coursework Overall Marks


Planning – Comments and mark out of               15/20

For full comments please see the pre-production marks sheet

Construction – Main Task – comments and mark out of          50/60

For full comments please see the production marks sheet

Evaluation – Comments and mark out of            13/20
Question 1:
PowerPoint/SlideShare – Some detail on how conventions used in production with some understanding shown of how mise-en-scene used. Basic evidence of real products.
Question 2:
Prezi – Some good understanding of how characters represented and affect on audience through use of mise-en-scene. Use of theorists would have enhanced answer.
Question 3:
Audio with images – Some detail on why distributor chosen with some examples used as evidence. Shows good understanding of audience and distributor profile.
Question 4 and 5:
Video – basic detail on potential audience and how they were attracted, lacks good use of research into viewing figures and rely too heavily on stereotypes. Q&A with potential audience but no reflection on feedback from audience.  
Question 6:
PowerPoint/SlideShare – Some detail on technologies used in all parts of production. At times detail is too descriptive and lacks in-depth analysis. No real sense of what was learnt.
Question 7:
Emaze – good cleat detail on progress from prelim task with good addition of screen grabs from both products. Reflective detail on progress too descriptive and not analytical.

Some good detail on questions showing understanding of task, audience and genre.
At times lacks good analytical detail, good use of images but lacks good use of research in answering questions.
Read your work, as there are lapses in spelling, punctuation and capital letters!
Good clear layout throughout.

Total                  78/100
Grade: B

Production Feedback

AS Coursework – Film Openings


Two Minute Film Opening: Keep In Sight

There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of many of the technical skills.

There is controlled use of the camera throughout with an excellent variety of shots and attention to framing. Good attention to mise-en-scene

There are well placed cuts and transitions throughout. Excellent added titles to show the conventions of the industry.

The dialogue can be heard clearly and excellent use of the song to boost the tension.

An excellent film opening that fits the crime/thriller genre well.

Total              50/60

Level: 4

Pre-production feedback

AS Pre-production Tasks Feedback

Student Name: ELWELL Rowan

Task 1 – Pre-production: Research & Planning
Evidence on blog
1.   Similar Products – film beginning analysis
Rowan has completed a detailed in depth study of similar film openings. His analysis demonstrates excellent attention to detail and Rowan uses a good level of media language and terminology within his studies.

2.   Genre Analysis
Rowan has completed a proficient level of analysis into his chosen genre but further research could have been completed – for example paying attention to the genre conventions of related films.
3.   Target Audience
Rowan has shown a good level of consideration for his target market, blogging considerations and evidence of his audience research through way of a questionnaire. Rowan has also further explored this area with results of his target audience research presented.
4.   Script
Rowan’s script is well presented in the correct industry format.
6.   Storyboard
Rowan has presented a well-planned storyboard that includes detail and demonstrates his understanding of cinematography to a proficient level.
7.   Shot list
Rowan as successfully blogged his shot list which includes a good level of detail.
8.   Layouts – floor plan
Rowan has produced floor plans are clear and sufficient in detail..
9.   Locations
Rowan has completed location recces and presents photographs and discussion on his plans for his chosen locations.
Fully detailed.
Fully detailed.
Fully detailed.
Rowan has blogged a presentation of his equipment with photographs and proficient detail.
14.Production schedule
Rowan has successfully produced a production schedule to plan the rest of his production process. Detail is fairly basic and planned shoot days could include further detail and timings.

Teachers comments
Rowan has successfully completed his pre-production mostly working at a proficient level. Rowan study of similar film openings is excellent and Rowan shows key analytical skill. Overall Rowan will be able to successfully put his plans into action for the production of his film. All work is completed well.

Level 3
15 marks
Mark out of 20: 15
Teacher name: Liza-Marie Henshaw
Date: 17th December 2015

Student action plan for improvement

Final mark out of 20: